Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lost in CA

As this year comes to an end, it's hard to believe where I am at in my life. I've been a nurse for 5+ years (all specialized in labor and delivery), I've been married for 4+ years and I have been living with my husband in CA for almost 3. As I've gotten older I thought I was supposed to be getting wiser, but I don't think that is happening. I actually feel like I am becoming even more lost, not really sure where to find myself, not sure that am I making good decisions at all times. I don't want this to be any sort of "woe is me" type thing, I just need to get some thoughts out. My marriage is fabulous, I couldn't ask for a better husband, Jason is my best friend. We talk about everything and make all decisions together. My job is fine, I like the girls I work with, I feel like I am a good labor nurse, the hospital appreciates nurses and treats us well, and the docs aren't assholes, like they have been other places. I feel like 2009 is going to be the year we really get our shit together. Get our finances under control and make some major decisions about where we really want to be in life. I don't want to be in CA forever, I'm just a midwestern girl at heart. However, I do want us to be somewhere Jason and I can both be happy and have jobs that we want and love. All will work out on it's own I'm sure. Like I always say to Jason, good karma comes back to you.